The Customs Tariffs

Do you require customs tariff information for certain countries?

Our module Customs Tariffs offers you the possibility to carry out searches in the current customs tariffs of more than 150 countries in English or German. The Customs Tariffs Country List shows the available customs tariffs and the most recent updates.

In addition to the Most Favoured Nation (MFN) rates, you also get, if applicable, the General Rates of Duty and Preferential Rates of Duty as well as the Taxes and Charges related to imports (e.g. value added tax and excise duty) on a case by case basis.

A product code and keyword search helps you to find the right product heading in the customs tariff.

For the chosen product code, the displayed results include not only the actual code sought but also the surrounding codes. The product codes which have been assigned customs duties contain links through which you can get more detailed results.

The detailed results contain information on the different customs duties applied, the Preferential Rates of Duty where applicable, as well as information on related Taxes and Charges, for example, value added tax, excise duty or customs processing charges. Where applicable, information on Tariff Quotas, duty exemptions, tax reductions or exemptions is also included.

As a subscriber to the module Import Formalities you are able to switch directly to the chosen heading in the Import Formalities where you will obtain information on the formalities required for the importation of the product.

With only a few clicks you are comprehensively informed about the duties and taxes as well as the documents that are required for imports.